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Metro Parent's Mom-Approved Docs Nominations

This sweepstakes ended on 12-31-2019 11:59 PM

Metro Parent's Mom-Approved Docs Nominations

This sweepstakes will start on 5-7-2019 12:00 AM

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Metro Parent's Mom-Approved Docs Nominations

When it comes to your health, and the health of your child, you want and deserve the best. But we all know there’s no prescription for the perfect doctor. We rely on word of mouth, references, and sometimes, trial and error.

That’s why every year we ask you, our amazing readers, to tell us all about the pediatrician, chiropractor, dentist, obstetrician or other doctor that you and your family live by. So, nominate your fave physician for this annual honor. 

Your Doctor's Area of Practice*

How did you hear about Mom-Approved Docs?

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