Bee-Inspired Coloring Contest
This contest ended on 5-31-2020 11:59 PM Pacific Time
Bee-Inspired Coloring Contest
This contest will start on 4-29-2020 12:00 AM Pacific Time
Bee-Inspired Coloring Contest
In honor of World Bee Day on May 20th, let’s pull out our crayons and colored pencils and make art with a purpose! All ages & artistic abilities welcome!
For every coloring contest entry, Comvita will donate $5 to The Nature Conservancy to support their efforts to protect pollinators across the globe (up to $10,000)*. You’ll also be entered to win a We Can Bee Heroes prize pack for the whole family to enjoy (valued over $350, more details below).
How to enter:
Step 1: Create your own freestyle drawing inspired by bees (no printer needed) or download one of our coloring contest templates below!
Step 2: Submit your drawing below. If you don’t have a scanner, that’s ok, you can simply take a photo of your drawing & upload that below. The deadline to submit is May 31, 2020.
3 kids entries will be chosen (Ages 1-17) and 3 winners for adults (18+).
If you’d like to use a template, choose 1 of 3 designs to color:

Prizes include:
- Comvita Manuka Honey UMF™ 20+ 8.8oz
- Comvita Manuka Honey UMF™ 10+ 8.8oz
- Apple Cider Vinegar with Manuka Honey
- Propolis Throat Spray
- Propolis Extract
- Comvita Kids Daytime Syrup
- Comvita Kids Nighttime Syrup
- Comvita Kids Pops
- Comvita tote bag
- Organic, Non-GMO flower seeds for a bee-friendly garden
- Queenspotting Book by Hilary Kearney
- The Queenspotting Puzzle by Hilary Kearney
- The Story of Bees Game